Frequently Asked Questions

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status of your delivery. Also you can go to track your order at the bottom. Download the app Shop for faster and more accurate shipping times.

How fast do you deliver?

within 5 to 12 business days with free shipping.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to select countries. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on your location.

who do I contact for more information

contact support

How can I place an order?

You can place an order directly through our website by adding items to your cart and proceeding to checkout. Alternatively, you can contact our sales team for assistance. At the bottom of the website

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal, and bank transfers.

What is your return/exchange policy?

After 10 days from delivary and the product is not so your liking you can return the product back and get a refund contact

Can I customize or personalize my order?

Depending on the product, we may offer customization options. Please contact our sales team to inquire about custom orders.

Do you have a physical store I can visit?

At the moment, we operate solely online and do not have a physical retail location.